Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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2901. Sociocultural methodology as a priority development direction of humanities and social sciences in post-Soviet states

2902. Central zone of traditional sociocultural values as a informational communicative phenomenon. New methods of researches on post-Soviet traditions and traditionalism of societies of post-Soviet states.


2903. Semenov E. (2010) Nauka kak resusrs modenizatsii Rossii [Science as a resourse of modenization of Russia]. In: Arinin A. (ed.) Modernizatsiya Rossii kak uslovie ee uspeshnogo rasivitiya v XXI veke [Modernization of Russia as a precondition for its sussessful development in 21st century] (In Russian)

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