Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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201. Yermolayeva Yu.V. Modernization of the Sector of Waste Management in Russia: Proposals of Experts and Residents. Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics, 2020, Issue 8, pp. 26-34.

202. Rostovskaya T.K., Pismennaya E.E., Rodin N.V. Youth Associations as a Mechanism of Interaction with Compatriots Abroad. Human capital, 2020, No. 10 (142), pp. 71-79.

203. Karpuchin O.I., Komissarov C.N. Youth of Russia: the burden of choice. Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2020. No.6. P. 110-130.

204. Zubok J. À. (2020) Youth: Life Strategies in a New Reality. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. No. 3. P. 4—12.

205. Galkin Ê. (2020) Young Physicians in the City and in the Countryside: Features of Professional Identity. Mir Rossii, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 142–161.

206. Monitoring regional strategies of spatial development of russian cities: modelling political and administrative practices. Part 1. Monitoring enforcement, 2020, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 51-65.

207. Markin V. V., Malyshev M. L., Zemlyansky D. Yu. Monitoring of Regional strategies of spatial Development of Russian Cities: modeling of political and managerial practices. Part 2. Monitoring of law enforcement, 2020, No. 4 (37), pp. 47-59.

208. Fomin M.V.,Bezverbny V.A., Shushpanova I.S., Mikryukov N.Yu., Lukashenko E.A., Miriazov T.R. Company towns of the Siberia and Russian Far East: potential and development prospects. Public Administration Issues, 2020, Issue 1, pp. 137-165.

209. Chirikova A., Ledyaev V., Ryabova O. Monogoroda srednego Urala: vlast’, liderstvo, effektivnost’ [Monotowns of the middle urals: power, leadership, efficiency]. Vlast’i elity [Power and Elites], 2020, 7 (1): 123–162. (In Russian)

210. Bessokirnaya G. P. Employee motivation at Russian industrial enterprises: practice, theoretical and methodological research problems. Social and labor research. 2020; 40(3):132-147. DOI: 10.34022/2658-3712-2020-40-3-132-147.

211. Mitrofanova A.V., Bogatova O.A. Museification of the traumatic past in South Africa: competition of narratives. Izvestiya Altaiskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2020, no. 6 (116), pp. 12-16.

212. Kozlovskii V.V., Tkachuk D.V. Musical and artistic tastes in the personal self-determination of youth. Sociodynamics. 2020. No. 10. P. 31-45. URL: https://

213. Guzelbaeva G. Y., Mchedlova M. M. (2020) Kazan Muslim Communities at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Causes of the Rise and Fall of Islamic Youth Activism. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. No. 3. P. 247—268.

214. Chernova Z. V., Shpakovskaya L. L. (2020) “God Help Those Who Help Themselves”. Pragmatic Individualism as a Discursive Strategy for Normalizing the Biographies of Young Middle­Class Women. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. No. 6. P. 173–194. (In Russ.)

215. Rostovskaya T.K., Bezverbnaya N.A. Violence Against Women: Global Trends. Woman in Russian Society, 2020, No. 2, pp. 89—98. DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2020.2.8

216. Nenakhova Yu.S., Lokosov E.V. Mentoring in Medicine: Towards Institutionalization. Problems of social hygiene, health care and the history of medicine, 2020, Vol. 28, No. S2, pp. 1087-1093.

217. Antonovski A.Yu., Barash R.E. The Science of Society and the Concept of Complexity. On the 30th Anniversary of the Publication of Niklas Luhmann’s Book Die Wissenschaft der Gesellschaft. Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2020, Vol. 57, No. 4, pp. 171-184.

218. Adamyants, T.Z. (2020). The scientific and socio-humanitarian significance of the semio-sociopsychology concept of social communication (for the anniversary of the outstanding Russian scientist T. M. Dridze). Communication. Media. Design, 5(3): 90-102.

219. Bobkov V.N., Chernykh E.A., Odintsova E.V., Gulyugina A.A. National Priority “Improving the Quality of Life of Russian Citizens” in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation. Labour and Social Relations. 2020. Vol. 31. No. 6. P. 59-79.

220. Gimpelson V.E., Zudina A.A., Kapeliushnikov R.I. Non-cognitive components of human capital: Evidence from Russian data. Voprosy Ekonomiki. 2020;(11):5-31. (In Russ.)

221. Kuriukin A.N. Some characteristics of contemporary political and legal discourse of ethnic and national conflicts in Russia. Socio-political sciences, 2020, No. 4, pp. 53-64.

222. Moskvin L.B. Nonmaterial factors, that influence on the technological development of Russia. Social and humanitarian knowledge, 2020, No. 1, pp. 62-73.

223. L.M. Prokofieva, I.I. Korchagina. Single parent families in russia: level of spred and material support. International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences, 2020, No 9-1 (48), pp. 172-179.

224. Bobkov V.N., Odintsova E.V., Kovalenko V.V. Precarious employment is a global problem of modernity: how can its scale be reduced in Russia? Forecasting problems, 2020, Issue 3, pp. 93-100.

225. Bobkov V.N., Odintsova E.V. Low level and quality of life among economically active population: identification criteria and assessment of occurrence. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2020, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 168–181. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2020.5.71.10

226. Zemtsov S.P., Chepurenko A.Y., Barinova V.A., Krasnoselskih A.N. New entrepreneurship policy in Russia after the 2020 crisis. Voprosy Ekonomiki. 2020;(10):44-67. (In Russ.)

227. Andreev, E.M. The New Integral Society as a Model for the Development of the Modern World. Sotsialno-gumanitarniye znaniya, 2020, No. 6, pp. 36-45.

228. Rakhmonov A.Kh. (2020) New directions of labor migration from Tajikistan to the Persian Gulf countries: development trends and prospects. Vestnik universiteta. I. 12, pp. 119–125. DOI: 10.26425/1816- 4277-2020-12-119-125

229. Knaub R.V., Shamaeva E.F. Nooelectronic technologies for assessing the consequences of disasters of various genesis. Sustainable innovative development: design and management, 2020, Vol. 16, No. 1 (46), pp. 68-79.

230. Busygin A.E. The impact of managerial culture on the formation of a new Russian social reality. Human capital, 2020, Issue 12 (144), pp. 29-38.

231. Kokoshina Z.A. On military-political cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia. Klio, 2020, No. 10 (166), pp. 34-44.

232. Smidovich G.S. Possibility of localization and individual approach to the integration of migrants in the Russian Federation. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Seriya 2. Gumanitarnye nauki [Scientific Review. Series 2. Human Sciences]. 2020. No. 6. Ð. 24-31.

233. Smidovich G.S. On the Need for the Legal Regulation, Localization and Individual Approach to Migrant Integration. Migration Law, 2020, No. 4, pp. 11-15.

234. Shabunova A.A., Rostovskaya T. K. On the necessity to develop models of optimal conditions for the formation and implementation of demographic attitudes. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2020, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 38–57. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2020.4.70.2

235. Seleznev, I.A. On the first results of the Eurasian integration, achievements and risks of the Eurasian Economic Union. Sotsialno-gumanitarnye znaniya, 2020, No. 6, pp. 164-176.

236. Nikovskaya L.I., Yakimets V.N. On the consistency of institutions and mechanisms of municipal public policy (on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan). Bulletin of the Voronezh state University. Series: History. Political science. Sociology, 2020, No. 2, pp. 26-37.

237. Vartanova M. L. On the main trends and prospects for the development of interregional educational migration in the market. Bulletin of the Academy of Knowledge, 2020, No. 41 (6), pp. 59-64. DOI: 10.24411/2304-6139-2020-10761

238. Alexandrova O.A., Markov D.I. (2020) Wealthy or Poor: What Does Russia’s Young People Think about Future Old Age, and What Do They Intend to Do? Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. No. 3. P. 42—65.

239. Rogovaya À. V., Levchenko N. V. Education, employment and leisure as factors of youth migration from small towns. Ojkumena. Regional researches. 2020. ¹ 4. P. 23–33. DOI: 10.24866/1998-6785/2020-4/23-33

240. Chernikova A.A. Educational Migration from the Countries of the Eurasian Economic Union: Social Threats, Prospects, DynamicsVestnik of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod. Series: Social Sciences, 2020, No 2 (58), pp. 149-157.

241. Pinchuk A.N. Educational Practices in Mechanisms of Adaptation to Digital Transformations: Conceptual Ideas and Methodological Approaches. Gorizonty gumanitarnogo znaniia, 2020. Issue 1, pp. 95–114. URL:

242. Proshkova Z.V. Educational Resources Of The Family In The Biographical Stories. The individual and society [online]10(21). Availableat: (inRussian)

243. Galindabaeva V. Images of Catherine the Second in the Post-Soviet Tatarstan: Ebi Patsha, the Great Empress and Sold Alaska. Journal of Frontier Studies, 2020, No 3, pp. 12–31. DOI: 10.46539/jfs.v5i3.200

244. Skorobogatova V.International Students In Russia: From Soft Power To Export Of Education. Education&Law, 2020, No. 5, pp. 165-173. DOI: 10.24411/2076-1503-2020-10529

245. Dzutsev Kh.V., Kudzieva F.S., Dibirova A.P., Kornienko N.V. Public opinion of the population of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania on the principles of continuity of education in a modern school. Sociology, 2020, No. 5, pp. 38-46.

246. Yanitsky O.N. a Society and Individual in the Information Environment. Voprosy teoreticheskoy ekonomiki, 2020, Issue 2, pp. 99–110.

247. Pilyasov A.N., Kibenko V.A. Reindeer breeders-entrepreneurs: a difficult path to economic independence. Scientific Bulletin of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. 2020. No. 1 (106). PP. 20-46. DOI 10.26110 / ARCTIC.2020.106.1.003

248. Chernysheva L. (2020) Onlayn i ofl ayn konfl ikty vokrug gorodskoy sovmestnosti: zabota o gorodskom prostranstve na territorii bol’shogo zhilogo kompleksa [Online and offl ine confl icts around urban commons: caring for urban space in the territory of a large housing estate]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 23(2): 36–66 (in Russian).

249. Galkin K. (2020) Ontologicheskaya sborka sred stareniya [Ontological assembly of aging environments]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 23(2):67–86 (in Russian).

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