Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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351. Scherbina V.V., Popova E.P. Rationalization of management in a business organization. Part 1. //Personality . Culture. Society. 2015, V. XV11 №№ 85-86

352. Scherbina V.V., Popova E.P. Rationalization of managemant in a business organization. Part 2. // Personality. Cultare. Society, 2015, №№ 87-88. P. 149-162.

353. Problems of employment of disable people // Hired worker in modern Russia /Ed. Golenkova Z. T. - M.: Novya Chronograf,2015. - 368 p. ISBN 978-5-89697-249-5

354. Svirnov A.I. Employment challenges faced by young men after performing military service by conscription // Theory and practice of social development. № 7. p. 19-30.

355. Educational activities of enviromental non-profit organization in modern Russia // Nature and society. The dynamics of the crisis / Series Sotsioestestvennaya history. Genesis of the crisis of nature and society in Russia. Ans. Ed. Borisova E.A. Vol. XXXIX. M:. MBA, 2015. P 212-227.

356. Simonyan R. Professional and ethical human qualities of the Russian reformers // Horizons of Economics, 2015, № 3

357. Gasparishvili A., Kroukhmaleva O., Savina N. Professional Plans of the University Graduates and Labour market / A. Gasparishvili, O. Kroukhmaleva, N. Savina // Obrazovatelnye Tekhnologii. -2015. N 1. P. 59-69

358. The psychological portrait of the creators of the economic model of post-Soviet Russia // Science. Culture. Society. 2015. №3, Pp. 149-163.

359. Gofman A. Equality,quq social // Great Russian Encyclopedia. Volume 28. Moscow: Great Russian Encyclopedia Publishing, 2015. Pp. 117-118.

360. Lavrenyuk N. M. The development of the intellectual and innovative capacity of the regional community in Bashkortostan: Monograph. - Ufa: Scientific publishing center Aeterna, 2015. P.174

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