Voronin G.L., Kramer A.D. Informal employment in Russia as a condition for the formation of the precariat. Vestnik of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod. Series: Social Sciences. 2021. No. 3 (63). P. 69–78. DOI 10.52452 ... Voronin G.L., Kramer A.D. Informal employment in Russia as a condition for the formation of the precariat. Vestnik of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod. Series: Social Sciences. 2021. No. 3 (63). P. 69–78. DOI 10.52452/18115942_2021_3_69. – URL: http://www.unn.ru/pages/e-library/vestnik_soc/18115942_2021_-_3(63)_unicode/9.pdfISSN 1811-5942DOI 10.52452/18115942_2021_3_69РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47174893Posted on site: 02.12.21Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: http://www.unn.ru/pages/e-library/vestnik_soc/18115942_2021_-_3(63)_unicode/9.pdf (дата обращения 02.12.2021)AbstractThe phenomenon of informal employment is investigated as one of the factors in the formation of the precariat in Russia. these. Analyzed theoretical approaches to the definition of the precariat, informal employment, as well as same their features. A study of the scale of informal employment in Russia in 2002 - 2019 was carried out. based on data from the Russian Monitoring of the Economic Situation and Health of the Population of the Higher School of Economics (RLMS-HSE). The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the social demographic indicators of workers included in informal employment, some characteristics ki of their labor activity, such as the length of the working day and working week, the level of the individual dual income, professional affiliation, educational level, mobility in relation to one hundred jobs and professions; their socio-psychological and medical characteristics (satisfaction various aspects of work: work in general, working conditions, wages, opportunities for professional growth and health); also indicators of informal employment compared with the indicators of the formally employed. New data on the state of the market are introduced into the scientific circulation labor in general and its component such as the employment of formally unemployed workers. Reliable the validity of the research results obtained is ensured by the fact that, as an empirical base, the the results of observations over the past 18 years of behavior in the labor market 8376 workers covs who do not have official employment. In this respect, the results obtained are uni ideal for describing and understanding the precariat, a newly emerging social group of the post-Soviet Russia. The results of the study showed that the share of informally employed workers in the formal sector re economy increased during the study period. Among informally employed workers, men, residents of large cities (regional centers) get along. Informally employed workers are inferior formally employed for a number of socio-demographic characteristics (education level, pay labor, skill level). Lack of professional guarantees has a negative impact on a number of labor, socio-psychological, medical indicators. The phenomenon of informal employment is investigated as one of the factors in the formation of the precariat in Russia.these. Analyzed theoretical approaches to the definition of the precariat, informal employment, as well assame their features. A study of the scale of informal employment in Russia in 2002 - 2019 was carried out.based on data from the Russian Monitoring of the Economic Situation and Health of the Population of the Higher School of Economics(RLMS-HSE). The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the socialdemographic indicators of workers included in informal employment, some characteristicski of their labor activity, such as the length of the working day and working week, the level of the individualdual income, professional affiliation, educational level, mobility in relation toone hundred jobs and professions; their socio-psychological and medical characteristics (satisfactionvarious aspects of work: work in general, working conditions, wages,opportunities for professional growth and health); also indicators of informal employmentcompared with the indicators of the formally employed. New data on the state of the market are introduced into the scientific circulationlabor in general and its component such as the employment of formally unemployed workers. Reliablethe validity of the research results obtained is ensured by the fact that, as an empirical base, thethe results of observations over the past 18 years of behavior in the labor market 8376 workerscovs who do not have official employment. In this respect, the results obtained are uniideal for describing and understanding the precariat, a newly emerging social group of the post-SovietRussia. The results of the study showed that the share of informally employed workers in the formal sectorre economy increased during the study period. Among informally employed workers,men, residents of large cities (regional centers) get along. Informally employed workers are inferiorformally employed for a number of socio-demographic characteristics (education level, paylabor, skill level). Lack of professional guarantees has a negative impact ona number of labor, socio-psychological, medical indicators.