Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Nazarenko A.V. The new role of politics and the change of social axiomatics in favor of the network

Nazarenko A.V. The new role of politics and the change of social axiomatics in favor of the network // Russia and the political order in a changing world: values, institutions, prospects: Materials of the IX All-Russian Congress of Political Scientists, Moscow, December 16-18, 2021 / Under the general editorship of O.V. Gaman-Golutvina, L.V. Smorgunov, L.N. Timofeeva. - M.: Aspect Press Publishing House, 2021. - P. 349-350.
ISBN 978-5-7567-1170-7
DOI нет

Posted on site: 28.12.21

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Despite the potential irrationality of the behavior of its participants - people, leading to the singularity of any social formations, any attempts to consider the network as a new form of social organization are still reduced to a banal structure. This is either a communicative structure, or a structure formed naturally and takes on a variety of forms from closed secret societies to public social movements. In both cases, the timeless fixation of connections between its elements turns the network of relationships into a traditional social structure. In fact, we are talking about the need for a Nietzschean reassembly of the social through the synthesis of psychological, cultural, religious, economic, legal, managerial and other ties - relations. All this is united at the interpersonal level by the politician. Constantly producing subjectivity, rather than copying a pre-established subjectivity, it becomes the basis of a network of relationships, connecting or separating their sides. Thanks to the revision of the essence of politics, a logical turn to a different level of social organization is also possible, and from it, naturally, to its management. A new version of the perception of complex sociality is seen as a network similar to the Prigogine dissipative system, the complexity of which is localized at the level of political interactions between its nodes. By creating something for ourselves, including the sociality that surrounds us, we create it for everyone, thus transforming the entire system of relations. After all, politics will be aimed at human evolution - at the formation of escalation chains of long-range escape from oneself.