Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Larina E.V. Features of modern normative ideas of students about alcohol consumption (according to the study 2020-2021). Humanities, Social-economic and Social Sciences – 2021. – №12-1. - P. 69-71.

Larina E.V. Features of modern normative ideas of students about alcohol consumption (according to the study 2020-2021). Humanities, Social-economic and Social Sciences – 2021. – №12-1. - P. 69-71.
ISSN 2220-2404
DOI 10.23672/b7270-1217-3064-c

Posted on site: 30.12.21

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 30.12.2021)


The article presents an analysis of the data of the conducted research of students (2020-2021, N=528, Moscow, Krasnodar, Yaroslavl) in order to identify the modern ideas of this population group about the norms regarding alcohol consumption. According to the results, alcohol consumption remains a serious problem among students. An early introduction to drinking alcoholic beverages were revealed. A contradiction between the idea of alcohol consumption as a socially acceptable life practice and the declared value of a healthy lifestyle, that including a complete rejection of alcohol were found out. The most common reason for refusing 2 to drink alcohol is a personal volitional decision of an individual – «I just decided and don't drink».