Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Bobkov V.N., Bobkov N.V. Ot real'nosti k proektirovaniyu noosfernogo budushchego Rossii. In: Sintez obrazovaniya, vospitaniya i nauki v noosfernoj strategii innovacionnogo proryva Rossii: monografiya ...

Bobkov V.N., Bobkov N.V. Ot real`nosti k proektirovaniyu noosfernogo budushchego Rossii. In: Sintez obrazovaniya, vospitaniya i nauki v noosfernoj strategii innovacionnogo proryva Rossii: monografiya / pod nauch. red. A.I. Subetto, V.A. SHamahov — Sank-Peterburg: Asterion, 2021. P.146-146.
ISBN 978-5-00188-118-6
DOI нет

Posted on site: 31.12.21



The article briefly describes the socio - economic results of 30 years of capitalist reforms in Russia. It is shown that they led to the domination of private property and private interests, which determined the direction of economic development and its stagnation. The social consequences of these transformations are expressed in a dramatic increase in poverty and social inequality. The problem of the evolutionary transformation of capitalism is posed, three stages are proposed, the ultimate goal of which is a new socialism.

Content (in russ)