Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Ruban L.S., Zabuzov O.N. The evolution of cities: from fortified military settlements to smart cities. Issues of National and Federative Relations. 2021. Vol. 11. No. 11 (80). Pp.3102-3110.

Ruban L.S., Zabuzov O.N. The evolution of cities: from fortified military settlements to smart cities. Issues of National and Federative Relations. 2021. Vol. 11. No. 11 (80). Pp.3102-3110.
ISSN 2226-8596
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2021.80.11.011

Posted on site: 06.01.22

Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL:Рубан%20Л.С.,%20Забузов%20О.Н.%20Вопросы%20НиФО%20№%2011-2021.pdf (дата обращения 06.01.2022)


The relevance of the problem raised lies in the fact that more than half of the world's population currently lives in cities, therefore, using the method of historical comparison and the Sorbonne method of in-depth work with the text, the authors traces the gradual transition from urban settlements only as military fortifications (fortress cities) to repel the enemy, ensure the security of the territory and protect the population and urban infrastructure to the centers of economy and economy, logistics, science and culture, despite the fact that these settlement structures, evolving and being filled with new content and mastering new functions, they should at the same time continue to be outposts of security and defense, especially in times of crisis and during wars and armed conflicts. When conducting content analysis, the authors use both domestic and foreign sources in chronological order, including the works of military and civilian urban specialists. Special attention is paid to military operations in the urban environment and countering the threat of modern terrorism using the latest means of warfare, including cyber weapons and weapons of mass destruction, up to nuclear. A reasonable logical conclusion is the meaningful constructions that characterize the structure and functionality of smart cities as the highest type of urban settlements that meet all the requirements for the rational construction and effective functioning of cities during peaceful existence and in conditions of turbulence, both military and armed conflicts. The system-forming basis of smart cities ensuring sustainable development of society in the conditions of modern challenges, risks and threats is shown.