Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Farakhutdinov Sh.F. Regional and ethnic identity of student youth. Alma mater (Bulletin of Higher School). 2022. No. 2. Pp. 86-93.

Farakhutdinov Sh.F. Regional and ethnic identity of student youth. Alma mater (Bulletin of Higher School). 2022. No. 2. Pp. 86-93.
ISSN 1026-955X
DOI 10.20339/AM.02-22.086

Posted on site: 05.04.22



The article examines the features of the regional and ethno-confessional identity of students in Tyumen. The empirical material is based on the results of a study that was conducted with the participation of the author in October, 2021. The survey data of the studied cohort are presented in comparison with the answers to the corresponding questions of the adult population of the region. The paper describes such aspects of the respondents’ regional identity as: the structure of civil values, self-assessment of belonging to the Russian people; the role and place of the concept of “Motherland”; views on regional and geographic consolidating factors. In the description of ethno-confessional identity, the specifics of defining one's own ethnicity and an assessment of its importance are considered. The factors of ethnic consolidation and preservation of national identity have been studied. The influence of the ethnic group on various spheres of life is shown; the relationship of various ethnic groups with each other. The linguistic and confessional aspects of the issue under study are partially touched upon. The main conclusions of the work are related to the fact that student youth are more cautious in assessing their patriotic sentiments and show more moderate positions on issues related to regional identity. Students show ethno-religious attitudes to a lesser extent, are more tolerant of representatives of other identities and are more often focused on creativity, self-realization, and personal success. The article examines the features of the regional and ethno-confessional identity of students in Tyumen. The empirical material is based onthe results of a study that was conducted with the participation of the author in October, 2021. The survey data of the studied cohort are presentedin comparison with the answers to the corresponding questions of the adult population of the region. The paper describes such aspects of therespondents’ regional identity as: the structure of civil values, self-assessment of belonging to the Russian people; the role and place of the conceptof “Motherland”; views on regional and geographic consolidating factors. In the description of ethno-confessional identity, the specifics of definingone's own ethnicity and an assessment of its importance are considered. The factors of ethnic consolidation and preservation of national identityhave been studied. The influence of the ethnic group on various spheres of life is shown; the relationship of various ethnic groups with each other.The linguistic and confessional aspects of the issue under study are partially touched upon. The main conclusions of the work are related to thefact that student youth are more cautious in assessing their patriotic sentiments and show more moderate positions on issues related to regionalidentity. Students show ethno-religious attitudes to a lesser extent, are more tolerant of representatives of other identities and are more oftenfocused on creativity, self-realization, and personal success.