Adamyants T.Z. Communication mechanisms for the creation and dissemination of meanings of destructive orientation in the digital era. In: Transformation of the ethical matrix in the digital era. Materials of the scientific online conference with international participation. Executive Editor A.K. Mamedov, I.N. Chudnovskaya. – Moscow: Max-Press. 2022. P. 9-17. Adamyants T.Z. Communication mechanisms for the creation and dissemination of meanings of destructive orientation in the digital era. In: Transformation of the ethical matrix in the digital era. Materials of the scientific online conference with international participation. Executive Editor A.K. Mamedov, I.N. Chudnovskaya. – Moscow: Max-Press. 2022. P. 9-17.e-ISBN 978-5-317-06788-5РИНЦ: on site: 19.05.22 AbstractThe article is devoted to the analysis of communication mechanisms to the meanings of destructive orientation, the creation and wide distribution of which has become a distinctive characteristic of the modern digital space. The concept of meaning is considered as a virtual hierarchically organized structure of mutually subordinate and interdependent levels of communicative-cognitive programs focused on communicative (author's) intention. It is shown that the levels of latent structures of destructive orientation, as a rule, contradict each other, unverified or artificially created facts and information are used here. An actual prerequisite for the spread of destructive meanings is also the possibility of anonymous communication, the creation of closed and semi-closed Internet platforms. Victims of semantic influences are more often representatives of young people and adolescents who do not have the skills of adequate understanding and orientation in the field of social communication, which complicates the processes of their socialization and social adaptation.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents