Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Drobizheva L.M. The Search for a Definition and the Dynamics of the Dissemination of Russian Identity. In: The Substantial Basis of Russian Identity. Regional and Ethnocultural Сontexts : [monography] ...

Drobizheva L.M. The Search for a Definition and the Dynamics of the Dissemination of Russian Identity. In: The Substantial Basis of Russian Identity. Regional and Ethnocultural Сontexts : [monography] / L. M. Drobizheva, E. M. Arutyunova, M. A. Evseeva [et al.]; ed. by E. M. Arutyunova, S. V. Ryzhova. – M.: FNISTC RAS, 2021. P. 21-36.

Глава из книги: Содержательные основы российской идентичности. Региональный и этнокультурный контексты : [монография] / Л. М. Дробижева, Е. М. Арутюнова, М. А. Евсеева [и др.]; отв. ред. Е. М. Арутюнова, С. В. Рыжова; ФНИСЦ РАН. – М.: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2021. – 288 с.
ISBN 978-5-89697-374-4

Posted on site: 08.06.22



The main debates in the scientific and socio-political space regarding the nature and content of Russian identity are presented. Changes in the interpretation of Russian identity in the Strategy of state National Policy for the period up to 2025 are traced, a critical analysis of competing interpretations of the concept of Russian identity voiced during the discussion of amendments to the Constitution of 1993 is presented. Based on the data of representative All-Russian studies, the dynamics of Russian identity over the past decade and a half is demonstrated and it is concluded that the interpretation of integrating identity as an all-Russian civil one has a basis in the everyday experience of Russians.