Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Drobizheva L.M., Arutyunova E.M., Ryzhova S.V., Fadeev P.V., Shchegolkova E.Yu. Key Consolidators of Russian Identity. In: The Substantial Basis of Russian Identity. Regional and Ethnocultural Сontexts : [monography] ...

Drobizheva L.M., Arutyunova E.M., Ryzhova S.V., Fadeev P.V., Shchegolkova E.Yu. Key Consolidators of Russian Identity. In: The Substantial Basis of Russian Identity. Regional and Ethnocultural Сontexts : [monography] / L. M. Drobizheva, E. M. Arutyunova, M. A. Evseeva [et al.]; ed. by E. M. Arutyunova, S. V. Ryzhova. – M.: FNISTC RAS, 2021. P. 37-48.

Глава из книги: Содержательные основы российской идентичности. Региональный и этнокультурный контексты : [монография] / Л. М. Дробижева, Е. М. Арутюнова, М. А. Евсеева [и др.]; отв. ред. Е. М. Арутюнова, С. В. Рыжова; ФНИСЦ РАН. – М.: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2021. – 288 с.
ISBN 978-5-89697-374-4

Posted on site: 08.06.22



The ideas of the state, citizenship, language, territory, history, cultural community underlying the Russian identity and goals that can consolidate Russians are considered. It is concluded that the ratio of consolidating factors has changed slightly in comparison with previous studies. At the same time, the state remains the most stable and influential unifying factor, making a significant contribution to the formation of the all-Russian identity. The study revealed that the civil component of the Russian identity has little consolidation potential. At the same time, the concept of Russian citizenship, which is part of the complex of ideas that form the Russian identity, has a wide substance content.