Mitrofanova A.V., Riazanova S.V., Plais Ya.A. Place as a palimpsest of events and interpretations in the politics of memory (on the example of the NKVD investigative prison museum). Izvestiia Tulskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Gumanitarnye nauki. 2022. No. 2. Pp. 3-16. Mitrofanova A.V., Riazanova S.V., Plais Ya.A. Place as a palimpsest of events and interpretations in the politics of memory (on the example of the NKVD investigative prison museum). Izvestiia Tulskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Gumanitarnye nauki. 2022. No. 2. Pp. 3-16.ISSN 2071-6141DOI 10.24412/2071-6141-2022-2-3-16РИНЦ: on site: 13.08.22 AbstractThe authors utilize the concept of palimpsest, originally applied to manuscripts on parchment, to study memory politics in case of the memorial museum Interrogation Prison of NKVD in Tomsk. The research question is to identify how palimpsestical characteristics of lieux de memoire affect producing an integral version of the traumatic past that would strengthen social solidarity. Methodologically the article is based on using the chronotopic method of observing the museum, as well as data obtained from expert interviews and web site materials. It has been found out that the museum's palimpsest consists several layers related to traumatic events. The earliest level refers to the Tomskpogrom of 1905; the second one is associated with the murder of Father Ignatii; the third layer - with the functioning of the prison; the fourth layer is the destruction of the Soviet social structure in the 1990s. Pal-impsestical locus is characterized by its ability to present to the observer all the memory layers simultaneously. The museum’s exhibition is not only exists an element of a palimpsest, but makes itself a “palimpsest within a palimpsest”. The authors conclude that, although a consistent narrative that avoids layering andpalimpsest-ness is a better contribution to making a consistent collective version of the past, building consistent narratives is utopian considering a plurality of actors seeking to influence memory politics. Recognition and acceptance of the palimpsestical character of memory can prevent conflicts between mnemonic actors interested in promoting their versions of the past. At the moment, palimpsests of memory about the difficult past are created spontaneously, but centralized memory politics, based on the concept of a palimpsest, could enhance consciously constructing multi-layered, polyphonic lieux de memoire that would contribute to consolidation of social groups - carriers of conflicting or complementary versions of collective memory. Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents