Rostovskaya Ò.K., Kuchmaeva Î.V., Zolotareva Î.À. On building regions’ rating by target indicators of the effectiveness of family and demographic policy. Problems of Territory’s Development, 2022, 26 (4), 80–97. DOI: 10.15838 ... Rostovskaya Ò.K., Kuchmaeva Î.V., Zolotareva Î.À. On building regions’ rating by target indicators of the effectiveness of family and demographic policy. Problems of Territory’s Development, 2022, 26 (4), 80–97. DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2022.4.120.6ISSN 2076-8915DOI 10.15838/ptd.2022.4.120.6ÐÈÍÖ: on site: 20.08.22 AbstractThe relevance of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of family and demographic policy, based on a system of reliable indicators and integral assessments, is primarily due to the requirement of the execution of the RF Presidential Decree 633, dated November 8, 2021, “On the approval of the Foundations of State Policy in the field of Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation”. It clearly shows the state’s interest in scientifically sound, competent, strategically built social and family demographic policy, in quality monitoring and control of strategic planning processes and the implementation of strategic planning documents. The purposes of this research include the justification of the possibilities of using the rating of Russia’s entities to assess the effectiveness of family and demographic policy, the proposal of a methodology for such an assessment and its approbation. On the basis of generalization and synthesis of rating construction techniques for the implementation of a comparative analysis of the socio-demographic state of countries and regions, we present an approach to the integral assessment of the effectiveness of demographic policy. With the help of the regional rating tool, we have identified the most problematic Russian regions which should be given special attention in order to prevent demographic threats. The results of the generalization of information sources have made it possible to form a system for monitoring the effectiveness of family and demographic policy and to justify the choice of indicators, included in the calculation of the integral index for the target indicators of demographic policy. The revealed dependencies of indicators of the effectiveness of demographic policy on social support measures have made it possible to assess the significance of the influence of regional maternity capital on fertility in the country’s entities, which is essential for overcoming depopulation processes. Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents