Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Mekhrishvili L. L., Tkacheva N. A., Yudashkin A. V. Influence of socio-cultural conditions on the demographic attitudes of families: a regional aspect. Bulletin of the South Russian State Technical University. Series: Social and economic sciences. 2022. Vol. 15, No. 4. Pp. 132–148. http: ...

Mekhrishvili L. L., Tkacheva N. A., Yudashkin A. V. Influence of socio-cultural conditions on the demographic attitudes of families: a regional aspect. Bulletin of the South Russian State Technical University. Series: Social and economic sciences. 2022. Vol. 15, No. 4. Pp. 132–148.
ISSN 2075-2067
DOI 10.17213/2075-2067-2022-4-132-148

Posted on site: 05.09.22

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 05.09.2022)


The purpose of the study is to identify the links between the socio-cultural conditions of the functioning of the family and its demographic attitudes. The methodological basis of the study is a sociocultural approach to the analysis of problems, demographic needs and opportunities of families, which allows, on the one hand, to take into account the factors of the existing diversity of living conditions for families in the region, on the other hand, to determine the attitude of families to these sociocultural conditions in the territory of their residence and, as a result, to identify their demographic settings. Research results. The rapid, eventful changes in the living conditions of modern realities are reflected primarily in the family: its revision of traditional values, the transformation of behavior patterns, and the change in demographic attitudes. Stimulating the birth rate of families, motivating the solution of demographic problems of the population by traditional financial and legal forms of state support does not allow to fully overcome negative trends. The study of sociocultural factors, knowledge of the sociocultural conditions of family life, understanding of their influence on the reproductive behavior of families will make it possible to identify the priority of the demographic attitudes of families, assess the prospects of certain government decisions, comprehend the need for their adaptation to a particular region, and see the nature of the attitude of the population towards them. The sociocultural approach allows us to build on the understanding of the family as a social actor. The scientific article presents some results of a sociological study (including a questionnaire survey of family representatives, an ethnographic study of families, a qualitative expert survey) obtained as part of the implementation of a comprehensive project Formation of a social portrait of families in the Tyumen region, demonstrating the relationship between the socio-cultural conditions of the functioning of the family and its demographic attitudes, which made it possible to formulate conclusions and offer recommendations aimed at institutionalizing the reproductive behavior of the family, stimulating it to achieve individual and public interests. Research prospects lie in the formation and development of socio-cultural conditions in the region that contribute to the implementation of the reproductive behavior of families. Key words: family institution; marriage; family values; reproductive behavior The purpose of the study is to identify the links between the socio-cultural conditions of the functioning of the family and its demographic attitudes.The methodological basis of the study is a sociocultural approach to the analysis of problems, demographic needs and opportunities of families, which allows, on the one hand, to take into account the factors of the existing diversity of living conditions for families in the region, on the other hand, to determine the attitude of families to these sociocultural conditions in the territory of their residence and, as a result, to identify their demographic settings.Research results. The rapid, eventful changes in the living conditions of modern realities are reflected primarily in the family: its revision of traditional values, the transformation of behavior patterns, and the change in demographic attitudes. Stimulating the birth rate of families, motivating the solution of demographic problems of the population by traditional financial and legal forms of state support does not allow to fully overcome negative trends. The study of sociocultural factors, knowledge of the sociocultural conditions of family life, understanding of their influence on the reproductive behavior of families will make it possible to identify the priority of the demographic attitudes of families, assess the prospects of certain government decisions, comprehend the need for their adaptation to a particular region, and see the nature of the attitude of the population towards them. The sociocultural approach allows us to build on the understanding of the family as a social actor.The scientific article presents some results of a sociological study (including a questionnaire survey of family representatives, an ethnographic study of families, a qualitative expert survey) obtained as part of the implementation of a comprehensive project Formation of a social portrait of families in the Tyumen region, demonstrating the relationship between the socio-cultural conditions of the functioning of the family and its demographic attitudes, which made it possible to formulate conclusions and offer recommendations aimed at institutionalizing the reproductive behavior of the family, stimulating it to achieve individual and public interests.Research prospects lie in the formation and development of socio-cultural conditions in the region that contribute to the implementation of the reproductive behavior of families.