Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Ermolaeva Yu.V. Green jobs on the energy agenda of the BRICS countries. Education and law. 2022. No. 6. Pp. 35-42. DOI: 10.24412

Ermolaeva Yu.V. Green jobs on the energy agenda of the BRICS countries. Education and law. 2022. No. 6. Pp. 35-42. DOI: 10.24412/2076-1503-2022-6-35-42
ISSN 2076-1503
DOI 10.24412/2076-1503-2022-6-35-42

Posted on site: 07.11.22



This article, based on the content analysis of official reports from the BRICS countries, examines the features of the formation of a green labor market in the context of renewable energy and sustainable development. We are investigated that the new political realities and the subsequent socio-economic crisis and the coalition with the BRICS countries is becoming especially important for Russia. The analysis revealed common trends for the BRICS countries within the framework of the problems of implementing the green economy: the dependence of the economy on the export-raw material model, or on the import of mineral energy resources; centralization and monopoly of the energy policy implemented by the state (with the exception of Brazil and China, where this strategy shows its effectiveness), weak economic growth as a whole. In each of the BRICS countries, there are enormous prospects for the implementation of renewable energy within the framework of different types of renewable energy, each state chooses one or two types of renewable energy, which are actively implemented, in accordance with this, an agenda for creating green jobs is being formed. Today, in the global perspective, only China and Brazil stand out on the world stage as an effective and large-scale implementation of renewable energy. For Brazil, China, the most promising are solar, wind and hydropower, for Brazil - bioenergy, for South Africa - solar energy, for Russia - hydropower, but other types of renewable energy are likely to be widespread. This article, based on the content analysis of official reports from the BRICS countries,examines the features of the formation of a green labor market in the context of renewableenergy and sustainable development. We are investigated that the new political realities and thesubsequent socio-economic crisis and the coalition with the BRICS countries is becoming especiallyimportant for Russia. The analysis revealed common trends for the BRICS countries within theframework of the problems of implementing the green economy: the dependence of the economy onthe export-raw material model, or on the import of mineral energy resources; centralization and monopolyof the energy policy implemented by the state (with the exception of Brazil and China, wherethis strategy shows its effectiveness), weak economic growth as a whole. In each of the BRICScountries, there are enormous prospects for the implementation of renewable energy within theframework of different types of renewable energy, each state chooses one or two types of renewableenergy, which are actively implemented, in accordance with this, an agenda for creating green jobsis being formed. Today, in the global perspective, only China and Brazil stand out on the world stageas an effective and large-scale implementation of renewable energy. For Brazil, China, the mostpromising are solar, wind and hydropower, for Brazil - bioenergy, for South Africa - solar energy, forRussia - hydropower, but other types of renewable energy are likely to be widespread.