Kozlova I.V. The concept of human dignity in science and in education. Modern Science: actual problems of theory & practice. The Cognition series. 2022. No.9. P. 95-99. DOI 10.37882 ... Kozlova I.V. The concept of human dignity in science and in education. Modern Science: actual problems of theory & practice. The Cognition series. 2022. No.9. P. 95-99. DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2022.09.08ISSN 2500-3682DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2022.09.08РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49702719Posted on site: 08.11.22Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: http://www.nauteh-journal.ru/files/f2b362d1-4a38-4cc3-8b8c-5f3f46af9662 (дата обращения 08.11.2022)AbstractHuman dignity is part of the ethical issues of various countries of the world. This concept is vague, complex, multidimensional and fundamental, as it affects almost all aspects of human life, including education. It is human dignity that underlies such concepts as freedom and independence and affects the constant development and formation of the individual. This manifests itself in various slogans, conventions and declarations of the UN and, last but not least, in contexts related to education. This concept, which is relevant throughout the world, does not have a common understanding, that is, there is no generally accepted definition of human dignity. The purpose of this article is not to formulate an absolute definition of human dignity, but instead the goal is to highlight how human dignity is considered in science and what views on its construction in education exist in philosophy. The study is not an exhaustive survey of the range of philosophical views on the idea of human dignity. Scientific interest also does not lie in the study of human rights, although the concepts of human rights and human dignity are historically intertwined.