Gadzhiev, Kh. A. (2022), “Global digital economy: Trends and transformation of value-behavioral patterns”, Ars Administrandi, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 482–506., https: ... Gadzhiev, Kh. A. (2022), “Global digital economy: Trends and transformation of value-behavioral patterns”, Ars Administrandi, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 482–506., 2218-9173DOI 10.17072/2218-9173-2022-3-482-506РИНЦ: on site: 09.11.22Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 09.11.2022)AbstractAt present digitalization is an undeniable factor of social life, inner state processes and foreign affairs; it has built its main patterns and trends, mostly vividly observed in the development of digital economy which has become a firm ground for strengthening the globalization outcomes. Objectives: to identify the key trends and issues of the global digital economy, as well as the way it influences on value-behavioral patterns of modern societies. Methods: institutional and neo-institutional approaches, comparative analysis, structural-functional approach, statistical data. Results: the article examines the fundamental developmental trends of the global digital economy, both in quantitative and qualitative representations, as well as from problem-based point of view; the outlines of changes in human value-behavioral patterns have been also illustrated. Conclusions: for most modern societies, new technologies and the digital space they form have become an important part of life. More active involvement of individuals into this space has transformed their value focus and attitudes, behavioral models and even started to form new needs. The economic sphere is the one that experiences most large-scale transformations, offering many new opportunities for actors to increase their profits. At the same time, there emerged a lot of problems related to the digital inequality (in countries, societies, and certain individuals), safety issues, social-cultural problems, speeding up social-economic processes and unpredictability of social development. Overall, the digitalization is quite a contradictory phenomenon, which has dramatically changed societies and affected the natural value-behavioral patterns of their members.