Lyutenko I.V. Interest in eastern religions and non-traditional teachings among the youth of Moscow and visitors. World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 3(13): 49SCSK322. Available at: https: ... Lyutenko I.V. Interest in eastern religions and non-traditional teachings among the youth of Moscow and visitors. World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 3(13): 49SCSK322. Available at: (In Russ., abstract in Eng.).ISSN 2542-0577DOI нетРИНЦ: on site: 21.11.22Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 21.11.2022)AbstractThe article discusses the interest of young people in Eastern religions, non-traditional and esoteric teachings, considered in a comparative analysis to what extent the worldview position of young people with non-traditional religiosity can influence the direction of their social orientations and attitude to the world around them. The focus of the article is youth (Muscovites and visitors). Youth as a social group, due to their age characteristics, is the most susceptible to the influence of non-traditional practices and religions, therefore, of particular interest is the study of the influence of non-traditional views on the consciousness of this particular age group. In the context of increasing migration flows to the metropolis (migrants from neighboring countries and migrants from other regions of the Russian Federation), young people among visitors cannot be ignored. The article discusses the interest of young people in Eastern religions, non-traditionaland esoteric teachings, considered in a comparative analysis to what extent the worldview position ofyoung people with non-traditional religiosity can influence the direction of their social orientationsand attitude to the world around them. The focus of the article is youth (Muscovites and visitors).Youth as a social group, due to their age characteristics, is the most susceptible to the influence ofnon-traditional practices and religions, therefore, of particular interest is the study of the influence ofnon-traditional views on the consciousness of this particular age group. In the context of increasingmigration flows to the metropolis (migrants from neighboring countries and migrants from otherregions of the Russian Federation), young people among visitors cannot be ignored.