Malinkin A.N. Max Scheler on the hypocrisy of the Anglo-Saxons. In: Max Scheler. On the psychology of English ethos and hypocrisy. Transl. from German, comm., accompanying article by A.N. Malinkin. Second ed., corrected. Moscow and St. Petersburg, Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, 2022. P. 97-141. Malinkin A.N. Max Scheler on the hypocrisy of the Anglo-Saxons. In: Max Scheler. On the psychology of English ethos and hypocrisy. Transl. from German, comm., accompanying article by A.N. Malinkin. Second ed., corrected. Moscow and St. Petersburg, Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, 2022. P. 97-141.ISBN 978-5-98712-342-3DOI нетPosted on site: 28.11.22Фрагменты из книги на сайте журнала Коллекция URL: (дата обращения 29.11.2022)AbstractThe work of the outstanding German philosopher and sociologist Max Scheler (1874–1928) “On the Psychology of English Ethos and Cant” was written six months after the outbreak of the First World War and was directed against Germany’s main geopolitical enemy, which, according to Scheler, was Great Britain. Before us is an interesting in-depth study. It is psychological and sociological to the same extent as cultural-anthropological and cultural-philosophical. Scheler focuses on the core of the Anglo-Saxon ethos: cant (hypocrisy). The accompanying article analyzes the conclusions of the German thinker, draws real and cultural-historical analogies between the anglicized Germany of the early twentieth century and the Americanized Russia of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. In this context, the author expresses his own opinion on a number of socio-cultural problems that have arisen in the recent history of Russia. Translation of Scheler’s article into Russian is published for the first time.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents Содержание Макс Шелер. К психологии английского этоса и лицемерия........................5 Примечания и комментарии...............................................57 А.Н. Малинкин. Макс Шелер о лицемерии англосаксов...........................97 Литература...........................................................................135