Fadeev P.V. Historical memory of the inclusion of Kabarda in the The Russian Empire (interethnic aspect). In: Ethnosociology: searches and achievements ... Fadeev P.V. Historical memory of the inclusion of Kabarda in the The Russian Empire (interethnic aspect). In: Ethnosociology: searches and achievements / ed., comp.: L.V. Ostapenko, I.A. Subbotina. M.: IEA RAS, 2022. P. 138-143.ISBN 978-5-4211-0297-7DOI 10.33876/978-5-4211-0297-7/1-482Posted on site: 02.12.22Текст статьи/сборника на сайте ИЭА РАН URL: https://static.iea.ras.ru/books/Ethnosociology_poiski_i_sversheniya.pdf (дата обращения 02.12.2022)AbstractThis article examines the subtleties of historical memory in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, affecting one specific historical episode – the annexation of Kabarda to the Russian Empire. This event was certainly a landmark for the destinies of the Kabardian, Balkar and other peoples inhabiting the territory of modern KBR. The author comes to the conclusion that historical memory is formed not only by the events of the distant past, but also by the modern stay of the Kabardino-Balkaria in Russia