Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Burdastova Yu.V., Nenakhova Yu.S., Alekperova N.V., Markov D. I. New models of mentoring in healthcare as a way to improve the professional competencies of medical workers. Ekonomika. Nalogi. Pravo = Economics, taxes & law. 2022;15(3):69-79. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.26794 ...

Burdastova Yu.V., Nenakhova Yu.S., Alekperova N.V., Markov D. I. New models of mentoring in healthcare as a way to improve the professional competencies of medical workers. Ekonomika. Nalogi. Pravo = Economics, taxes & law. 2022;15(3):69-79. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.26794/1999-849X‑2022-15-3-69-79
ISSN 1999-849X
DOI 10.26794/1999-849X-2022-15-3-69-79

Posted on site: 05.12.22



The subject of the research is new mentoring models in medical organizations as a way to improve the professional competencies of medical workers. The objectives of the work are to establish the main aspects of mentoring in the field of healthcare and to characterize possible mentoring models. The main aspects of mentoring activities in medical organizations are revealed. It is determined that mentoring mechanisms and tools should be institutionalized both at the level of medical organizations and at the levels of relevant ministries. The necessity of diversification of mentoring procedures depending on the specifics of the medical organization, its staff, the number of patients, mentoring tools and mechanisms is substantiated. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that in order to increase the effectiveness of the development of the institute of mentoring in the public health system, it is necessary to take into account the regulatory regulations of the institute of mentoring, the diversification of mentoring procedures depending on the specifics of the activity and other characteristics of the medical organization. Conclusions are drawn that the theoretical models of mentoring developed by the authors and presented in the article can be combined into a single system of annual monitoring of the performance indicators of a medical organization, taking into account both objective and subjective ways of adapting employees to the specifics of the medical organization.