Aksenova E. I., Aleksandrova O. A., Yarasheva A. V., Markov D.I. Corporate culture in a medical organization: the ethno-confessional affiliation of patients. Problems of social hygiene, public health and history of medicine, Russian journal. 2022. Vol. 30. No. S. Pp. 943-948. DOI 10.32687 ... Aksenova E. I., Aleksandrova O. A., Yarasheva A. V., Markov D.I. Corporate culture in a medical organization: the ethno-confessional affiliation of patients. Problems of social hygiene, public health and history of medicine, Russian journal. 2022. Vol. 30. No. S. Pp. 943-948. DOI 10.32687/0869-866X-2022-30-s1-943-948.ISSN 0869-866XDOI 10.32687/0869-866X-2022-30-s1-943-948РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49748696Posted on site: 09.12.22 AbstractThe purpose of the article is to study approaches to the development of corporate culture of healthcare workers in terms of forming a tolerant attitude towards patients belonging to various ethno-cultural and confessional groups. Among the measures of managerial influence is the further development of the foundations of the corporate culture of employees of medical organizations, which can contribute to solving the problem of attracting patients belonging to a variety of national and religious groups. The results of the analysis (systematization of scientific literature and sociological survey in the form of interviews conducted by the authors of the article) of the main problems, the solution of which is associated with the development of corporate culture, showed that the attitude of patients and medical personnel to euthanasia, termination of pregnancy, death (including suicide); methods of reproduction of life (artificial conception, surrogacy); obstacles to religious rituals during the treatment of patients.This article presents conclusions on the analysis of these problems and possible approaches to their solution: the authors propose measures for the formation of new competencies in corporate culture (as a set of formal and informal requirements in a medical organization imposed on its employees) aimed at preventing and overcoming conflict situations arising from misunderstandings in relationships between patients and medical staff.