Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Arefiev A.L., Bazhenov A.M. Anthology on world and Russian fiction in the course of social studies

Arefiev A.L., Bazhenov A.M. Anthology on world and Russian fiction in the course of social studies / Arefiev A.L., Bazhenov A.M. - M.: Buki Vedi , 2022. 186 p.
ISBN 978-5-4465-3731-0
DOI íåò

Posted on site: 26.12.22



The anthology contains fragments of 39 artistic and journalistic works that belong to authors who lived in different eras. Five writers whose works are named in the anthology are winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature. The cited fragments of works correlate with specific problems that are studied in social studies. It seems that the prepared textbook will allow a deep and comprehensive analysis of current problems of social studies.The textbook is designed for social studies teachers and secondary school students.

Content (in russ)