Volkov Yu.G., Kurbatov V. I. Identity Conflict: Foreign Research Concepts. Socio-humanitarian knowledge. 2022. No. 6. Pp. 34-40. Volkov Yu.G., Kurbatov V. I. Identity Conflict: Foreign Research Concepts. Socio-humanitarian knowledge. 2022. No. 6. Pp. 34-40. ISSN 0869-8120DOI 10.24412/0869-8120-2022-6-34-40РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=49938033Posted on site: 26.12.22Текст статьи на сайте КиберЛенинка URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/konflikt-identichnostey-zarubezhnye-issledovatelskie-kontseptsii (дата обращения 26.12.2022)AbstractThe article shows that in modern society one of the integration trends is the complication of social dynamics, including the transformation of the identity of individuals and social groups. Transforming identity, based on various socio-cultural, historical, ethno-national, religious and other value prerequisites, being a contradictory and multi-level process, expressed in the repertoires of many social roles, manifests itself in symbolic style, in communicative discourse, in patterns of behavior, in experiences of the past, in different perceptions and understanding of the challenges of existing existence, which, under the influence of globalization, modernization and urbanization, reveal various forms of compatibility and incompatibility of identities. The article highlights and analyzes the following concepts of identity conflicts: the concept of multiple social roles, multiple and hybrid identities, the concept of intra-personal identity conflict, the concept of identity competition, the concept of conflict of ethnic identities, the concept of identity conflict as processes of disidentification, disidentification, non-identification and disidentification. It is shown that identity conflicts manifest themselves at the individual level, intragroup, intergroup and social levels and can lead to destructive consequences, up to open confrontation. At an individual intra-personal level, an identity conflict can manifest itself in the form of an “Other-Other” conflict and be the result of conflicts of disidentification and disidentification that arise as a result of weakening or cessation of identification with a social group based on a collision and confrontation of certain identification features. Intergroup conflicts of identities, most often conflicts of ethnic identities, have their own prerequisites and causes in the form of immediate territorial proximity of residence, dissatisfaction with reforms and representation in government, as well as the inability of regional authorities to ensure the security of certain ethnic groups.