Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Safronov V.V. Inequalities of electoral participation in Russia (a review of research in relation to Western theoretical models) [Neravenstva elektoral’nogo uchastiya v Rossii (obzor issledovaniy v sootnesenii s zapadnymi teoreticheskimi modelyami)]. Vlast’ i elity [Power and Elites], 2022, 9 (2): 56–95. (In Russian). doi: https: ...

Safronov V.V. Inequalities of electoral participation in Russia (a review of research in relation to Western theoretical models) [Neravenstva elektoral’nogo uchastiya v Rossii (obzor issledovaniy v sootnesenii s zapadnymi teoreticheskimi modelyami)]. Vlast’ i elity [Power and Elites], 2022, 9 (2): 56–95. (In Russian). doi:
ISSN 2410-9517
DOI 10.31119/pe.2022.9.2.3

Posted on site: 01.01.23

Òåêñò ñòàòüè íà ñàéòå æóðíàëà URL: (äàòà îáðàùåíèÿ 01.01.2023)


The article presents an overview of studies of electoral activity of Russian citizens in relation to theoretical concepts that have received empirical justification in stable Western democracies and countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The patterns identified in Russia at the individual level fit into the Western theoretical model of “resources — motivation — mobilization”. It is noted that in Russian works insufficient attention was paid to the social structuring of participation, perhaps due to the inexpressiveness of such differences, and mobilization is discussed mainly in connection with the work of political machines — the role of parties, civil society organizations and social networks remains out of focus. There is general agreement in the literature on Russian voters regarding the key factors explaining participation in voting — they belong to the motivational block. It is argued that absenteeism is supported by the low interest of our fellow citizens in politics and political alienation — distrust of the authorities, politicians and democratic institutions, convictions of the political system’s unresponsiveness to the preferences of citizens and their inability to influence political decisions. However, apart from the rare exceptions presented by the works of Western researchers, convincing evidence of such relationships obtained using relevant statistical methods is not provided. An analysis of regional and district statistics shows that differences in turnout may indicate the use of political machines by the authorities, which serve to mobilize voters dependent on the state — those receiving social benefits and services, employees of state enterprises and institutions, and residents of national republics. These claims deserve further verification through analysis of survey data.