Malinov A. V., Naldoniova L., Kupriyanov V. A. V.I. Lamansky The second letter. On the intellectual and literary communication of Russians with their fellow tribesmen (continued). Solovyov Studies. 2022. Issue 2(74): 77-86. – DOI 10.17588 ... Malinov A. V., Naldoniova L., Kupriyanov V. A. V.I. Lamansky The second letter. On the intellectual and literary communication of Russians with their fellow tribesmen (continued). Solovyov Studies. 2022. Issue 2(74): 77-86. – DOI 10.17588/2076-9210.2022.2.077-086. – EDN ZDFLUK.ISSN 2076-9210DOI 10.17588/2076-9210.2022.2.077-086РИНЦ: on site: 09.01.23Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 09.01.2023)