Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Demidenko S.Yu. Experience of typologization of NEET-youth based on a case study. In: Self-regulation in the youth environment: typologization and modeling : monograph ...

Demidenko S.Yu. Experience of typologization of NEET-youth based on a case study. In: Self-regulation in the youth environment: typologization and modeling : monograph / Yu. A. Zubok, O. A. Alexandrova, M. B. Bulanova [et al.] ; under the general editorship of Yu. A. Zubok ; FNISTC RAS. – Belgorod: Epicenter, 2022. Pp. 135-142.

Глава из книги: Саморегуляция в молодежной среде: типологизация и моделирование : монография / Ю. А. Зубок, О. А. Александрова, М. Б. Буланова [и др.] ; под общ. ред. Ю. А. Зубок ; ФНИСЦ РАН. – Белгород : «Эпицентр», 2022. – 360 с.
ISBN 978-5-89697-382-9

Posted on site: 27.01.23



The specifics of the approach to the NEET group are revealed, namely, the possibility of applying typological analysis within the framework of a socio-cultural approach. Based on research data, including observations and in-depth biographical interviews with young people who have periods without study and work for more than three months, three typological groups are distinguished, differing in behavior scenarios, motivation, and value orientations. Based on the analysis of three cases (escapism, interrupted educational trajectory, rentier), the complex world of the studied group is shown.