Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Kornilova M.V. Elderly People in the Modern World: New Challenges and Opportunities for Adaptation (Based on the Materials of the Conference of Young Scientists at the IS FCTAS RAS) ...

Kornilova M.V. Elderly People in the Modern World: New Challenges and Opportunities for Adaptation (Based on the Materials of the Conference of Young Scientists at the IS FCTAS RAS) // Society and Security Insights. 2022. Ò.5, ¹ 4. P. 195-206. doi: 10.14258/ssi(2022)4-12.
ISSN 2619-0249
DOI 10.14258/ssi(2022)4-12

Posted on site: 31.01.23

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The aggravation of the sanitary and epidemiological situation in  the world has forced humanity to rethink life values and priorities, reconsider the methods of communication, and pay special attention to the older generation. Unprecedented bans have turned the established way of life upside down, and socio-economic upheavals forced us to think about rights and ways to  exercise them. Past changes and new challenges makes important tasks the authorities and the scienti™c community either. ˜e search for e—ective strategies for maintaining health, active longevity and maintaining the quality of life, understanding the need for social participation, the community of the elderly, the speci™cs of inclusion in the digital environment, ensuring security and the principles of equality for the older generation, have reached the peak of actualization. As a result of the work of the section, it was possible to consider a whole range of the above-mentioned problems and challenges for the older generation, and discuss the possibilities of adaptation