Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Ermolaeva Yu.V. Updating skills in the market of green professions of the future. Innovations and investments. 2022. No. 12. Pp. 96-99. doi: 10.24412 ...

Ermolaeva Yu.V. Updating skills in the market of green professions of the future. Innovations and investments. 2022. No. 12. Pp. 96-99. doi: 10.24412/2307-180X-2022-12-96-99
ISSN 2307-180X
DOI 10.24412/2307-180X-2022-12-96-99

Posted on site: 06.02.23

Текст статьи на сайте Киберленинка URL: (дата обращения 06.02.2023)


In different countries, depending on the pace of transition to a green economy, there will be a redistribution and retraining of labor resources. The article, based on the analysis of world and Russian reports on the development of green professions and the labor market, presents social policy measures and a set of green skills, they are divided into low, medium, high level skills for the most relevant economic sectors - renewable energy, environmental goods and services , forestry and agriculture, construction industry and logistics, ecotourism and extractive industries. For ensuring vertical social mobility, green skills meet the following principles: they must be interdisciplinary, with a focus on constant retraining of even those skills that are now considered low-skilled. Countries differ in the level of development of the program for the promotion of green jobs: the initial level is the promotion of locally operating initiatives, the middle level is the development of educational standards, sectors of the economy, the advanced level is the creation of a council, regulatory bodies and institutions, a system of stakeholders. In different countries, depending on the pace of transition to a green economy,there will be a redistribution and retraining of labor resources. The article,based on the analysis of world and Russian reports on the developmentof green professions and the labor market, presents social policymeasures and a set of green skills, they are divided into low, medium,high level skills for the most relevant economic sectors - renewableenergy, environmental goods and services , forestry and agriculture,construction industry and logistics, ecotourism and extractive industries.For ensuring vertical social mobility, green skills meet the followingprinciples: they must be interdisciplinary, with a focus on constantretraining of even those skills that are now considered low-skilled.Countries differ in the level of development of the program for thepromotion of green jobs: the initial level is the promotion of locallyoperating initiatives, the middle level is the development of educationalstandards, sectors of the economy, the advanced level is the creation ofa council, regulatory bodies and institutions, a system of stakeholders.