Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Rostovskaya T.K., Rusanova E.I. Female crime in Russia: status, trends, consequences. Economy. Right. Society. 2023. Vol. 8. No. 1 (33). Pp. 163-174.

Rostovskaya T.K., Rusanova E.I. Female crime in Russia: status, trends, consequences. Economy. Right. Society. 2023. Vol. 8. No. 1 (33). Pp. 163-174.
ISSN 2411-118X
DOI 10.21686/2411-118X-2023-1-163-174

Posted on site: 02.05.23



After the crime committed by a woman and social disapproval of such crime by the society, consequences of her illegal behavior are not focusing on that offending woman and the sufferer (or sufferers) alone, but are circulating within the entire state's social and economic arteries. Therefore, the analysis of the current state of women's crime in Russia and the fixation of the dynamics of this complex social phenomenon in society is of crucial importance for identifying features or general trends in the mass of illegal behavior, as well as from the point of view of the measures taken to prevent the occurrence of negative socio-economic consequences in the coordinate system of public relations and at the micro level of each convicted woman and her family members. The authors elect as the methods of their study an analysis of statistical data, a comparative analysis of data and analysis of statutory provisions. An advantage of the methods elected is that the authors are able, on the basis of the data available, to derive from the study the urgent consequences of the current situation in criminality among women in our country. The authors found that the existing dynamics of criminality among women in Russia are demonstrating a trend to growth, against the background of a general reduction of crime recorded in the Russian Federation from 2 206 249 in 2013 to 2 004 404 in 2021. The total number of women convicted and staying in the correctional colonies of general regime in Russia as of 2022 is equal to 28 361; 44% of women convicted and staying in prison in Russia are uneducated at all, or their education level is insufficient for their age category. According to most recent data, the number of convicted young women at an age of between 18 and 35 staying in the correctional colonies of general regime in Russia is equal to 11 666; 62% of convicted women are mothers and have children. A probation institute is required in Russia; a remote access of convicted women to education, even in the correctional facility, is extremely important, and the level of such education must be formed on the basis of each convicted woman's individual needs and capabilities, as regards acquisition of profession (specialty); the above measures are expected to reduce the social rehabilitation period after such social isolation; a steady need exists in enhancement of young girls' and women's legal culture in the course of education at any educational institution of the country in order to foster a law-abiding conduct, since the respect to law in the coordinates of social relationships and each person's legal behavior is the basis of civic education