Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Mikhaylyonok O.M. Conclusion. In: Transformation of political relations in a networked society: [[monograph]

Mikhaylyonok O.M. Conclusion. In: Transformation of political relations in a networked society: [[monograph] / O. M. Mikhaylenok, A.V. Brega, O. A. Voronkova [et al.];ed. by O. M. Mikhaylenok ; SIC RAS. – M. : FNISTC RAS, 2023. P. 301-303.

Глава из книги: Трансформация политических отношений в сетевом обществе: [монография] / О. М. Михайленок, А. В. Брега,О. А. Воронкова [и др.] ; отв. ред. О. М. Михайленок ; ФНИСЦ РАН. – М. : ФНИСЦ РАН, 2023. – 327 с.
ISBN 978-5-89697-411-6
DOI 10.19181/monogr.978-5-89697-411-6.2023

Posted on site: 18.08.23



Based on the research conducted by the team of authors, an analysis of social and political relations, their diverse manifestations in the process of digital network transformation of modern society was undertaken and its influence on the behavior of subjects of political relations, their interaction in the conditions of network reality in the Russian Federation was determined.In connection with the transformation of world politics, the content of the concept of political relations is expanding.As the main ones , the network, analytical and comparative approaches to the analysis of the public sphere in order to determine changes in the nature of socio-political network relations in the context of multipolarity and topology of the network space and political discourse. The issue of political coordination through the prism of interactions of hierarchies and network structures in the context of the networkingization of public policy is considered, as well as options for how/to what extent networks oppose hierarchical structures, including in the political sphere. The novelty of the research consists in the implementation of a multifactorial analysis of socio-political relations, taking into account the expansion of the range of innovative possibilities of information and communication and robotic technologies. The main emphasis is placed on the analysis of the digitalization of Russian society, understood as part of the overall modernization process: socio-technological, cultural-institutional and geopolitical.Thus, the resulting statement is that in the conditions of the new reality, the urgency of the problem of not only changing the nature of politics, but also the restructuring of the system of political relations in Russia is increasing. Based on the research conducted by the team of authors, an analysis of social and political relations, their diverse manifestations in the process of digital network transformation of modern society was undertaken and its influence on the behavior of subjects of political relations, their interaction in the conditions of network reality in the Russian Federation was determined.In connection with the transformation of world politics, the content of the concept of political relations is expanding.As the main ones , the network, analytical and comparative approaches to the analysis of the public sphere in order to determine changes in the nature of socio-political network relations in the context of multipolarity and topology of the network space and political discourse. The issue of political coordination through the prism of interactions of hierarchies and network structures in the context of the networkingization of public policy is considered, as well as options for how/to what extent networks oppose hierarchical structures, including in the political sphere.The novelty of the research consists in the implementation of a multifactorial analysis of socio-political relations, taking into account the expansion of the range of innovative possibilities of information and communication and robotic technologies.The main emphasis is placed on the analysis of the digitalization of Russian society, understood as part of the overall modernization process: socio-technological, cultural-institutional and geopolitical.Thus, the resulting statement is that in the conditions of the new reality, the urgency of the problem of not only changing the nature of politics, but also the restructuring of the system of political relations in Russia is increasing.