Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Galkin K.А. Strategies of adaptation of older people in post-covid time in the city and in rural areas. Moscow State University Bulletin. Series 18. Sociology and Political Science. 2023;29(3):74-94. https: ...

Galkin K.А. Strategies of adaptation of older people in post-covid time in the city and in rural areas. Moscow State University Bulletin. Series 18. Sociology and Political Science. 2023;29(3):74-94.
ISSN 1029-3736
DOI 10.24290/1029-3736-2023-29-3-74-94

Posted on site: 21.08.23



The article discusses strategies for the adaptation of older people in post-retirement time in a federal city and rural areas. Based on the analysis of 30 semi-structured interviews with older people from St. Petersburg and villages of the Republic of Karelia, the author's typology of adaptation strategies for this category of citizens is presented.   The study identifies three strategies that differ in their views on the adaptation process. The classification of adaptation strategies was carried out on the basis of a thematic analysis of interviews, which made it possible to identify key topics in which the older indicated how they cope (or do not cope) with new living conditions, as well as comprehend how their adaptation occurs. The highlighted strategies have shown that the main difference is the availability of certain resources, as well as trust in the media and public authorities to adapt to new times and the ability to quickly adapt to the changing, transforming temporality of the modern world. The strategies outlined in the study allow us to consider how the specifics of the perception of age is transformed depending on the acceptance or rejection of changes occurring in the post-teen period. The results of the study showed that reaching retirement age is a factor that, among other things, makes it difficult for older people to adapt. At the same time, it is important to search for retirement activities that can contribute to better adaptation of the elderly. Initiatives and social policy measures implemented in relation to retired older people (especially those aged 75 and older) do not contribute to the full participation of this category of citizens in various types of activities.