Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Pain E. (2023) Constructivism and Primordialism: Complementary Methodologies in Ethnology and Sociology. Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost, no. 4, pp. 53–67. DOI: 10.31857 ...

Pain E. (2023) Constructivism and Primordialism: Complementary Methodologies in Ethnology and Sociology. Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost, no. 4, pp. 53–67. DOI: 10.31857/S0869049923040032, EDN: OZEKTD.
ISSN 0869-0499
DOI 10.31857/S0869049923040032

Posted on site: 10.11.23



The stereotype established in the post-Soviet ethnological and sociological theory is revised. The stereotype contrasts two methodologies: constructivism, on the one hand, and primordialism, on the other. The first approach is considered correct, the second – false. The combination of these methodologies is regarded to be impossible. The opposite idea that both approaches are complementaryin the analysis of different aspects of socio-cultural reality is proposed. The author’s interpretation of the three named methodologies is given. An attempt is made to accurately and succinctly characterize methodological positions of such classics of the theory of nation and ethnicity as B. Andersen, and E. Gellnerand E. Hobsbawm.