Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Mansurov V.A., Ivanova E.Yu. General and special in the national-cultural identification of modern youth on the example of students of various training profiles. In: The link of generations as the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Union of Independent States ...

Mansurov V.A., Ivanova E.Yu. General and special in the national-cultural identification of modern youth on the example of students of various training profiles. In: The link of generations as the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Union of Independent States / Under the general editorship of prof. Z.H. Saralieva. – N. Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky, 2023. P. 24-28.
ISBN 978-5-91326-832-7
DOI нет

Posted on site: 21.11.23



An analysis of the results of the 2022 ROS study Cultural Heritage and the Connection of Generations made it possible to compare a number of indicators characterizing the attitude of students of various educational profiles (technical, socio-economic, natural science, medical, military, creative) to the preservation of folk culture and family traditions in modern socio-economic realities. Both the trends in national and cultural self-identification common to the analyzed groups of students, as well as the features of its manifestation, are reflected.

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