Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Gadieva A.G., Kulova M.R. Economic thinking of student youth in the North Caucasus Federal District: points of tension. Humanities and socio-economic sciences. 2023. No. 6. Pp. 132-134. DOI 10.18522 ...

Gadieva A.G., Kulova M.R. Economic thinking of student youth in the North Caucasus Federal District: points of tension. Humanities and socio-economic sciences. 2023. No. 6. Pp. 132-134. DOI 10.18522/1997-2377-2023-133-6-132-134
ISSN 1997-2377
DOI 10.18522/1997-2377-2023-133-6-132-134

Posted on site: 11.01.24



The values and orientations of student youth largely determine the future of the country. The article presents the results of online students survey in 6 subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District in April‒ May 2023. The predominance of negative assessments of country development level and the education quality, job search opportunities and work in the specialty in the responses of respondents creates risks and certain points of social tension.