Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Antonovskyi A.Yu., Barash R.E., Nikiforov O.V. Love and Marriage. Ideology of reproduction. In: Niklas Luhmann. Love is like passion. Coding of intimacy. Translation with it. Antonovsky A., with uch. Barash R. (chapter 14). Ed. lane Nikiforov O.V. - Moscow: Publishing house Gnosis ...

Antonovskyi A.Yu., Barash R.E., Nikiforov O.V. Love and Marriage. Ideology of reproduction. In: Niklas Luhmann. Love is like passion. Coding of intimacy. Translation with it. Antonovsky A., with uch. Barash R. (chapter 14). Ed. lane Nikiforov O.V. - Moscow: Publishing house Gnosis/Logos, 2023. P. 202-219.
ISBN 978-5-6046631-9-6
DOI нет

Posted on site: 15.01.24

Текст книги опубликован в системе Истина МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова URL: (дата обращения 15.01.2024)


It has long been known in sociology that feelings and actions in intimate relationships are oriented toward cultural imperatives and that even the inhibition and intensification of sexual relationships in fantasy and practice are due to this influence. The semantic codes that control this influence are themselves subject to historical changes. For a good three hundred years now, the developing form of love semantics has been reacting to the increasing social isolation of personal, private intimacy. This form develops in the direction from idealization through paradox to today's problem orientation. In the 17th century, it included temporal ideas: passionate love goes beyond boundaries and is therefore inevitably transitory. For women in particular, deciding to love was very difficult, and this, in turn, required “passion” from them.In the 18th century, an understanding was added that important aspects of intimate relationships, especially the fullness of personal self-experience, are non-communicative; Therefore, in love, a person is forced to be insincere, even and especially if he wants to prove the sincerity of his feelings. Moreover, it is incorporated into the semantics of love and receivesappropriate assessment of sexuality. But only romanticism affirms the unity of love and marriage. Thus, unstable love is given a protective form of marriage, and marriage itself is given meaning, which makes it possible for individuals to embody their specificity and their world. Since the 19th century, those trivialities that turn out to be inevitable in conditions when the code of love turns out to be clearly visibleuniversally significant. At the same time, the difference between the general and personal spheres of life becomes so great that one can assume that this difference alone generates a steady demand for love, which, however, can now get rid of the glamor of traditional formulas and is again approaching what it used to be. understood as friendship or as “partnership”.

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