Nikovskaya L.I., Yakimets V.N. Municipal public policy in the context of municipal transformations (based on the results of a sociological study of the Vologda Municipal District). Local law. 2024. No. 1. Pp. 3-18. Nikovskaya L.I., Yakimets V.N. Municipal public policy in the context of municipal transformations (based on the results of a sociological study of the Vologda Municipal District). Local law. 2024. No. 1. Pp. 3-18.ISSN 2075-1788DOI нетРИНЦ: on site: 08.04.24Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 08.04.2024)AbstractThe article presents some results of a study of municipal public policy (hereinafter MPP) in the Vologda Municipal District in 2023 in the context of reforming the local government system in the spirit of the concept laid down in the framework of draft law No. 40361-8 "On general principles of the organization of local government in a unified system of public authority". The latest draft law proposes a reform that "centralizes" local self-government (hereinafter referred to as LSG), significantly changing the principles of its territorial and organizational structure, enlarging municipalities by abolishing the settlement level and switching to a single-level model of LSG; significantly reduces its powers, transferring a significant part of them to the discretion of the regions. In the system of public power created on this basis, local self-government can lead to the formation of a deficit in the representativeness of public interests and the final loss of its own purpose. The multilayered concept of municipal public policy allows us to judge the optimal ratio of political and administrative properties of state and municipal authorities, combining administrative regulation and the use of forms of public participation of the population. Public policy, as a general theoretical and practical direction, arose on the wave of interest in improving the effectiveness of public administration in the context of the formation of co-management practices and technologies, representing an "umbrella" phenomenon combining information-discursive, activity-activist and managerial dimensions at the same time. MPP is an activity characterized by systematic interaction of municipal authorities, business, non-profit community, diverse public associations, citizens regarding the realization of public (public) interests, production, distribution and use of public resources and benefits, taking into account the will of the people and the population of certain territories. Based on the index approach, the features of the state of the institutions and mechanisms of the MPP in the municipal district are presented according to the criteria of consistency and indicators of the completeness of the functionality of the actors and subjects of the MPP, its typological features are identified and analyzed, which allow minimizing the negative consequences of the transition to a new model of the territorial and organizational structure of local government in the Vologda region.