Puzankova E.N., Nikiforov S.V., Levshina E.S. Issues of Continuity in the Formation of socio-cultural Competence of Students at School and University. Scientific notes of Orel State University. 2024. No. 1(102). Pp. 299-303. DOI 10.33979 ... Puzankova E.N., Nikiforov S.V., Levshina E.S. Issues of Continuity in the Formation of socio-cultural Competence of Students at School and University. Scientific notes of Orel State University. 2024. No. 1(102). Pp. 299-303. DOI 10.33979/1998-2720-2024-102-1-299-303. EDN CFUNBG.ISSN 1998-2720DOI 10.33979/1998-2720-2024-102-1-299-303РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=67314604Posted on site: 08.07.24Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: https://oreluniver.ru/public/file/archive/notes_1_(102)_2024.pdf (дата обращения 08.07.2024)AbstractThe article is devoted to the study o f issues o f continuity in the formation o f socio-cultural competence o f students at school and university. The study examines various approaches to the definition o f the concept of «socio-cultural competence», its essence and structure The article substantiates the relevance o f the formation o f socio-cultural competence o f a student both at school and at a university as two interrelated processes. Methods and techniques for the formation of socio-cultural competence of a student at school and university are proposed, based on the principles of activity, accessibility, continuity, systematicity, etc.