Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Gravin A.A. "Pious and impious myths". Rev. of Vahitov R. R. Evraziystvo: Logos. eydos. Simvol. Mif. SPb.: Vladimir Daly, 2023. 239 s. Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Sviato-Tikhonovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. Seriia I : Bogoslovie. Filosofiia. Religiovedenie, 2024, vol. 113, pp. 149-153 (in Russian).

Gravin A.A. `Pious and impious myths`. Rev. of Vahitov R. R. Evraziystvo: Logos. eydos. Simvol. Mif. SPb.: Vladimir Daly, 2023. 239 s. Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Sviato-Tikhonovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. Seriia I : Bogoslovie. Filosofiia. Religiovedenie, 2024, vol. 113, pp. 149-153 (in Russian).
ISSN 1991-640X
DOI нет

Posted on site: 24.10.24