Dokholyan S.V. Poverty in Russia: causes, consequences and ways to reduce. Scientific review. Series 2: Humanities. 2024. No. 4. Pp. 169-179. Dokholyan S.V. Poverty in Russia: causes, consequences and ways to reduce. Scientific review. Series 2: Humanities. 2024. No. 4. Pp. 169-179.ISSN 2076-4685DOI 10.26653/2076-4685-2024-04-17ÐÈÍÖ: on site: 25.10.24 AbstractThe study examined the theoretical and practical aspects of the concept of «poverty». The forms of its manifestation were determined, and a connection was established between the concepts of “poverty”, «living wage» and «consumer basket». Various types of poverty were classified and the main factors influencing it were identified. The purpose of this work is a comprehensive theoretical study of the socio-economic phenomenon of poverty, its causes and manifestations in Russia, as well as the development on this basis of measures aimed at reducing poverty. The methodological basis of the study consists of studies by domestic and foreign scientists related to the problems of living standards and well-being of the population, poverty and methods of overcoming it, as well as works on the chosen topic. Application area. The provisions set out in the work can significantly enrich modern theories and practices aimed at combating poverty, as well as deepen and expand the understanding of the phenomenon of poverty. Conclusions. Currently, one of the most global problems has become the problem of poverty. In Russia this problem is particularly acute. Poverty becomes an obstacle to a person’s ability to obtain quality education, healthcare, a well-paid job, etc. As a result, social inequality is growing in society, which can lead to conflicts. The use of an integrated approach to the implementation of the provisions set out in the work can reduce the level of poverty and improve the quality of life of citizens, create the foundation for the stable development of the country both in the socio-economic and political spheres, contrib