Dokholyan S.V. Monetary incomes and expenditures of the population at the present stage of the country's development. Proceedings of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024. Vol. 26. No. 4. Pp. 83-93. Dokholyan S.V. Monetary incomes and expenditures of the population at the present stage of the country`s development. Proceedings of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024. Vol. 26. No. 4. Pp. 83-93.ISBN 978-5-89697-387-4DOI 10.35330/1991-6639-2024-26-4-83-93РИНЦ: on site: 25.10.24Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 25.10.2024)AbstractThe economic and political processes taking place in a particular country and in the world affect the level of monetary income of the population. Since 2020, Russian citizens have also felt the negative impact of such processes. This was caused by problems such as the pandemic and sanctions against Russia. During this period, many enterprises in Russia, especially in the small and medium-sized enterprises sector, were forced to close. A significant part of Russians lost their jobs, which led to a decrease in their incomes and an increase in prices for goods and services. The methodological basis of the study was based on such general scientific methods as comparative, logical and statistical analysis. The conducted research may be of interest for the development of public policy measures aimed at increasing the level of monetary income of the population. It is concluded that the sanctions imposed contributed to the fact that Russian citizens began to use their money inside the country, and this will have a positive impact not only on the standard of living, but also on the well-being of the Russian economy. In addition, citizens will give preference to durable goods, domestic tourist trips, buying real estate and cars. This will help to maintain economic stability and direct the expenses of Russian citizens to purchase goods and services within the country, to support domestic producers.