Zemlyanova E.V. Well-being of elderly Russians from the standpoint of health. Remedium. 2024;28(3):286–292. (In Russ.). doi:10.32687 ... Zemlyanova E.V. Well-being of elderly Russians from the standpoint of health. Remedium. 2024;28(3):286–292. (In Russ.). doi:10.32687/1561-5936-2024-28-3-286-292ISSN 1561-5936 (Print), 2658-3534 (Online) DOI 10.32687/1561-5936-2024-28-3-286-292РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=74329663Posted on site: 19.11.24Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: https://remedium-journal.ru/journal/issue/viewIssue/133/pdf_52 (дата обращения 18.11.2024)AbstractLongevity and well-being are mutually influencing factors. Psychological and social well-being positively influences health and increases life expectancy of an individual. In turn, longevity increases the feeling of inner well-being, thus forming a kind of «positive circle». The study purpose - to evaluate well-being of the elderly in the Russian Federation from the point of health with due regard to socio-economic characteristics.Materials and methods. Analysis of national and foreign publications on the study topic conducted. The study is based on the analysis of the results of Selective observation of the health status of the population 2023. Calculations were performed using microdata database of Selective observation of the health status of the population 2023 for respondents aged 60+ which corresponds to the international gradations of the elderly. The results are representative of the Russian Federation as a whole.Results. Older people are quite optimistic about their health status: positive assessments are more common than negative ones, especially in men. Continuing to work over the age of 60 has a positive effect on self-esteem, and this pattern is also more pronounced in men. As for marital status, its impact on self-esteem of health cannot be assessed unambiguously, apparently, the significance of this factor is not related to the fact of the state of marriage itself, but to the quality of the relationship in marriage. The priority value of health among Russians is declarative and is not supported by a healthy lifestyle. Underestimating factors such as proper nutrition and physical activity against the background of persistent daily smoking in old age, which is typical for men, does not contribute to improving health, especially with low adherence to systematic medical supervision in the format of medical examination. A high degree of anxiety, most characteristic of women, worsens existing health problems, reducing the level of well-being.Conclusion. Achieving the goals of healthy longevity is obviously linked to healthcare and availability of high-qualilty medical care. This is of course important but not the only condition. A sense of well-being and satisfaction with life motivate people to lead a healthier lifestyle, maintain an interest in life, both by continuing to work and in the format of other forms of positive activity.