Gorina, T.I. & Kefeli, V.B. (2025) Perception of National-Cultural Identity Preservation Issues in the Public Consciousness of Residents of the Republic of Tyva. Theory and Practice of Social Development. (1), 80–88. Available from: doi:10.24158 ... Gorina, T.I. & Kefeli, V.B. (2025) Perception of National-Cultural Identity Preservation Issues in the Public Consciousness of Residents of the Republic of Tyva. Theory and Practice of Social Development. (1), 80–88. Available from: doi:10.24158/tipor.2025.1.9 (In Russian).ISSN 1815-4964DOI 10.24158/tipor.2025.1.9РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=80261960Posted on site: 29.01.25 AbstractThis article presents the results of a survey conducted among the population of the Republic of Tyva, involving 1,528 respondents. The findings reveal a high level of concern among a significant part of the residents regarding the state of the linguistic environment and the preservation of the spiritual heritage of the Tuvan people amidst accelerating modernization processes. The study emphasizes the importance of the Tuvan language as a fundamental element of identity and cultural distinctiveness, as well as the role of traditional customs and crafts in the life of the Tuvan people. The results underscore the necessity for further development and implementation of measures aimed at supporting and promoting the culture and language of the titular nationality, alongside active public participation in the region’s efforts to popularize its cultural heritage. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach, involving the preservation of the language and traditional way of life of the Tuvan people through collaborative efforts of governmental bodies, educational and cultural institutions, scientific organizations, and native speakers.