Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

N. Tikhonova (2015). Middle class in contemporary Russia

N. Tikhonova (2015). Middle class in contemporary Russia / Middle class as a precondition of a sustainable society: fifteen years later / ed. By M. Keliyan. Sofia. Avangard Prima. 2015, pp. 121-134
ISBN 978-619-160-504-0

Posted on site: 11.10.15

Текст статьи.


The article shows: It is still early to talk about Russian middle class formation as the special social subject as a finished process. However it is possible to state that structural positions corresponding to middle class in Russian society are already generated in mass scale, and they are characterized by the same qualitative features (autonomy of work, resources of influence at workplace etc.) as structural positions of middle class in the developed countries. Moreover, people who occupy these positions show close resemblance to representatives of classical middle class by specifics of their position, consciousness and behavior; at the same time, they qualitatively differ from representatives of other classes and groups in Russian society. All of that allows stating that, despite incompleteness of its formation processes, Russian mid-dle class successfully develops and carries out important social functions.


Тихонова Н.Е.