Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Levchenko N.V. Impact of people management system (for example, activity zoozaschitnikov)

Levchenko N.V. Impact of people management system (for example, activity zoozaschitnikov) // Nature and society in an era of change. Series Sotsioestestvennaya story. Genesis of the crisis of nature and society in Russia. Ans. Ed. Kulpin ES-Gubaidullin (co-editor Borisova EA). Vol. XXXVIII. M .: ID-energy. 2014. С. 156-168

Глава из книги: Природа и общество в эпоху перемен. Серия «Социоестественная история. Генезис кризисов природы и общества в России». Отв. ред. Кульпин-Губайдуллин Э.С. (соредактор Борисова Е.А.). Вып. XXXVIII. М.: ИД-Энергия, 2014. – 328 с.
ISBN 978-5-98908-342-8

Posted on site: 06.11.15




This article is based on the results of the expert poll aimed at studying the ex￾tent to which the citizens could influence the executive system and, first of all, the local level one. The problem is studied on the example of Obninsk’s local authori￾ties as they react to homeless animals and communicate with the community.

Content (in russ)