Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Lay and academic knowledge about society: interconnections and reconfigurations [monograph]

Lay and academic knowledge about society: interconnections and reconfigurations [monograph] / I.F. Deviatko, K. Bruckmeier et al. Ed. by; Institute of sociology, RAS; . – Мoscow, Progress-Tradition, 2015.
ISBN 978-5-89826-445-1

Posted on site: 18.11.15

Текст книги.


This multiple author book contributes to theoretical understanding of the mutual influence and reconfigurations of academic and lay knowledge about society on the analysis of classical and contemporary works in the field of social studies. Contributors utilize conceptual tools of cognitive science, history of sociology, sociology of science and professions, environmentalism, modern social theory and conceptions of “folk sociology” to eventually attain generalizations about inner mechanisms of reciprocity and analytical classification of the forms of laypeople theories and disciplined knowledge about society in the past and present times. The book will interest those studying sociology at advanced level as well as scholars in the social studies and educated readers familiar with contemporary social theories.


Девятко И.Ф., Абрамов Р.Н., Брукмайер К., Зотов А.А., Катерный И.В., Кожанов А.А., Подвойский Д.Г., Сапов В.В.
Редакторы: Девятко И.Ф., Абрамов Р.Н., Катерный И.В.

Content (in russ)

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