Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Possibilities of effective use of qualification level of hired workers in labour market

Possibilities of effective use of qualification level of hired workers in labour market

Глава из книги: Социология и общество: социальное неравенство и социальная справедливость (Екатеринбург, 19-21 октября 2016 года) [Электронный ресурс] Материалы V Всероссийского социологического конгресса / отв. ред. В.А. Мансуров — Электрон. дан.— М.: Российское общество социологов, 2016. — 10696 С. — (DVD ROM).
ISBN e978-5-904804-14-5

Posted on site: 08.11.16

Текст статьи.


The author considers in article one of manifestations of an inequality in the sphere of the labor relations – inefficient use by the worker of the received qualification. The author considers also some reasons of such inefficient use. For example, the bad organization of production in various branches of economy and shortcomings of system of professional education, in particular, in the sphere of vocational guidance.