Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Mass politics: institutional basis

Mass politics: institutional basis / ed. S.V.Patrushev.- M .: Political Encyclopedia, 2016.- 286 pp;., Ill. - (Political science of Russia).
ISBN 978-5-8243-2053-4

Posted on site: 28.11.16



The monograph presents the results of theoretical and empirical study of the basis and problems of involvement in the current political process. Proposed institutional model of mass politics. Shown the effects of the different types of mass politics: citizen politics as a constitutive and modernizing factor of the political space, mass politics as a factor of archaization and abolition of contemporary politics, multitude politics as a possible perspective. Discussed the theory and features of political mobilization, representation, participation and action, the impact of marketization of society and gender discourse of power in Russian politics, the concept of empowerment developed. The study done within the framework of political sociology, institutional and gender political science using modern methodology of political and sociological analysis. For researchers and university professors as well as graduate and undergraduate students - political scientists, sociologists, philosophers, experts in the field of state and municipal government.

Рецензия д.полит.н. И.Б. Фан в Вестнике РФФИ. Гуманитарные и общественные науки, 2017, № 2 (87) на вышедшую под грифом ИС РАН книгу: Массовая политика: институциональные основания / Под ред. С.В. Патрушева. М.: Политическая энциклопедия, 2016. — 286 с.: ил. — (Политология России).
Текст рецензии на официальном сайте журнала: URL:


Патрушев С.В., Айвазова С.Г., Баскакова Ю.М., Кертман Г.Л., Кисилев В.О., Коханская Е.А., Кучинов А.М., Мирясова О.А., Недяк И.Л., Павлова Т.В., Панов Л.Г., Рябова Т.Б., Семенов А.В., Филиппова Л.Е.
Редактор: Патрушев С.В.

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