Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Markin V.V. Regional structure of Russian society: problems of social reproduction. Part 3: Main trends of social tension and conflictogenity in Russian Regions. Vestnik VEGU, 2016, No. 5 (85), pp. 65-73.

Markin V.V. Regional structure of Russian society: problems of social reproduction. Part 3: Main trends of social tension and conflictogenity in Russian Regions. Vestnik VEGU, 2016, No. 5 (85), pp. 65-73.
ISSN 1998-0078

Posted on site: 30.11.16


The third article (the first and second parts were published in the “Bulletin of VEGU” № 3 (83) and №4 (84) 2016) shows the main trends of social tension and conflictogenity in the Russian regions. The analysis of these trends gives grounds to offer the forecast scenarios of “relaxation” of social tension and proneness to conflict under the conditions of the economic recession and decline in living standards of major groups of population in the regional aspect. The conclusion to all three parts of the article contains the findings in the discourse of new approaches to the formation of the strategy of social reproduction of the regional structure of the Russian society in the present conditions and the future.